Today I am going to be doing my skincare routine! So first of all let's start off with what type of skin I have, my skin is relatively normal but can appear to have dry patches when the colder weather kicks in! Spot wise my skin is rather clear but I do get the odd spot here and there mostly on my chin and around my nose which is also where my dry patches occur. Lovely! :(
When deciding what products to buy it is not always about the price, it's about finding the products that work best for you and your skin meaning it does take a little trial and error to find the perfect routine!
My routine is nothing too extravagant but it works for me and ranges in prices from very cheap to slightly more expensive.
Products: - Clinique Three-step clear skin routine - liquid facial soap, toner and moisturiser (I use number 2 which is for normal to dry skin)
- Soap and Glory The Righteous Butter
- SkinSystem cleansing facial wipes
- No7 Cleanse and Clear eye make up remover

Morning Routine: Firstly to begin my routine I use one the Clinique liquid facial soap to clean my face rubbing this in using circular motions then rinse with warm water and pat my face dry. I usually skip toner in the morning just as I find that when I do use it in the morning my make up looks rather patchy as the day goes on! I then use Soap and Glory the righteous butter to moisturise my face as it feels light yet gives it a lot of moisture. Then i'm all set to apply my make up for the day!
Night Routine: This is slightly longer as of course you need to remove your make up, first of all I take a SkinSystem cleansing facial wipe and get as much make up off as i can - leaving my eye liner and mascara as using a wipe just tends to get this all over your face! After this is done I put a few drops of No7 cleanse and clear eye make up remover on to a cotton pad then placing it over my closed eye I hold it for a few seconds to let the product soak in removing most of your eye make up in one go! I then move to my clinique 3 step clear skin routine, using the facial soap the same way I did in the morning, using toner I put this on a cotton pad and quickly distribute the product all over my face and allow to dry before finishing up with the moisturiser.
Sudden Breakout! : If after all this products used I do still get the odd spot I use the "Daniele Ryan Blemish Vanishing Gel" by simply placing a small amount of product onto the spot or where I can feel a spot coming up. This will slightly dry out the area of skin which will get the spot to disappear quickly!
Hope this helps!
Teila x